third update


I think I slept for more than 12h on Saturday. Played Fortnite with Sam and Eric too. That was very nice.

My glasses are ready, so I’m gonna pick them up on Monday, also my therapist is back. Gonna talk to him on Monday at 4pm.

Cut myself on the foot today, it felt good, but also I was sad and I cried a lot.

Sad day.


Could not fall asleep, even tho I was tired. Brilleland at 1pm and therapist at 4pm, stream at 6pm.

Gotta work on myself:

- Need walks. - Watch movies. - Relax. - Eat veggis and fruits. - Drink lots of water. - Read more books.

x No stream.
x No doctor.
x No glasses.


No more cutting. On this day. I will never do it again. I’m gonna get my glasses today.

I’m gonna sit in the park today.

- Got my glasses today!
- Read my book in the park!
- Started a new book!
- Did laundry and the dishes!

My parents came by and fixed my balcony.

Gonna stop eating cookies. Only veggies and fruits for snacks. Drink more water.


x Go to the park.
- Read my book.
- Food shopping.
x Go to Normal.
- Start throwing stuff.

I slept all day. Gonna go to my doctor tomorrow.


I feel good. Got my friends to play with me.


Played with Caroline all day yesterday, except when I went to the store. Saturday was a great day.

On friday I was with Nicoline, that was great. We went to lunch and walked around in Oslo.


fourth update


second update