second update


Woke up at 2.30pm, cleaned my computer. Went to the store, way too many people there and kids. Ew.

Vacuumed my mattress, watched my sheets.

Totally forgot to read my book, forgot to sort out my vinyls.

Going home tomorrow, to my parents for 3 days.


Saturday. I went to my parents’, mostly sat outside and read my book. Finished my second and started the third. Had a nice dinner and watched TV for the rest of the evening.


Sunday. Woke up at 11am and it’s a familiar voice outside. My mom’s cousin came by with his dog, he was staying with his daughter and her family close by, well, not that close, but walkable.

Got sunburned in my face, shoulders and arms. I read a little.

Nicky and Emil came by for dinner and dessert. That’s pretty nice. When they left, we watched more TV.


More sun on my body. Read some more. Took pictures with dad for an ad, he wanted to sell something he made by mistake.

Went home to my apartment.

Gamescom 2020

Games I found interesting:

- Everywhere
- Dune Awakening
- Moving Out 2
- Dying Light 2 DLC
- Under The Waves
- Atlas Fallen
- Killer Clowns from Outer Space
- Dead Island 2


Woke up at 5pm, didn’t do much.

My parents’ came by to measure the balcony. Think we will sell the apartment in September! Hopefully I’ll move in October!

Just watched Netflix and played games.


Woke up at 4pom. continued the show I was watching yesterday. Echoes. It’s weird and confusing.

Streamed from 6pm to 12am.

Watched a show with Sam :)


Woke up at 4pm again. Went to the store. Took my pills. Take my pills every day.

Streamed a little.

It’s quite warm outside today.


third update


first update