fourth update


New appointment for talkytalky man at 19th of September at 5pm.

Plans today:

x Walk in the park.
o Go to the café
x Read my book.
o Stream.
x Play all the games.
x Food shopping.


I walked about 2km yesterday, I was gonna put my books away in the phonebooth, but at the first one, there was a man, drug addicted, laying on the floor trying to shoot himself up… So had to walk to another place and it took forever. I was so sweaty.

Went to the store.
Fell asleep and slept until midnight.
I read my book, I walked, I played games and went food shopping.
Today I must stream.


I slept all day yesterday.

I feel sick. My voice/throat is sore and dry. Headache and pain everywhere.

Will stream a little today.

Have been sleeping all week.

Made myself a cup of tea, hopefully that will help a little.


Slept very nicely, my throat is better, but I still don’t feel good.

Downloading Battlefield 2042 so I can play with Sam.

Took my pills.

Today it’s movieday!


Sleep - sleep - is all I do.

Most because I’m sick. Swollen tonsils. Freezing. Headache. All that fun stuff.

Having a nice movienight with Eric, Shay, Caroline & Sam. <3

Took my pills. Got myself out of the apartment - bought some pepsi max with my awful voice.


Been sleeping a lot… Feel a little better. I’m in the coughin stage.

Watched dated and related - wow what a bad show.

Now I’m watching Selling the Oc - that’s crazy!

It’s Monday - this weekd I need to get rid of things from my shed downstairs.

Took my pills.

Played some Battlefield 2042, it’s okay. My teammates sucked.


fifth update


third update