17th of march

I slept pretty much all morning, we didn’t go to Dutch Bros, but we did go to Sam’s Club. It’s a HUUUUUUUUUGE storage building similar to Walmart, but also had tires. Got a Walmart vibe out of it. We bought drinks and snacks, plus I found the famous cinnamon buns I have been craving for ages. After we were done shopping, there’s a small cafeteria like at IKEA, where you could buy drinks, pizza slices and hotdogs. I tested out the hotdog and it wasn’t that bad! I miss the Norwegian hotdogs tho.

After we got home, I went to bed to listen to my audiobook and took a nap that lasted for 5 hours. Been playing Supermarket Simulator and watching very bad movies on Hulu.


So the other day, it might be 1 or 2 weeks ago now, I went to the dentist cause I thought I had a tooth ache and it’s pretty painful. Little did I know, I had a gum inflammation. They also told me I have 1 tooth loose. (Probably cause of the gum inflammation + there’s not tooth close to it that it can lean on.) My dentist back in Norway actually told me this could happen, but we hoped together it wouldn’t, BUT IT DID. Also I pulled one tooth out before I got to US, cause it’s a dead tooth and why have it there, so I have been without a tooth on my left side, not the tooth in the back, but the tooth in front of that.

Wisdom teeth <- Never go those.
Molar <- That is loose.
Tooth <- Pulled that one.

They also told me I need to pull that molar out, cause you know it’s loose and I need 2 implants, but I have been fine without that tooth for 2 years now, so I might just need 1 implant. LAST BAD NEWS; I need 2 crowns on my upper left teeth of my front ones. So I hope that I can do this in Norway, for cheaper price, cause this will cost a lot here. 80,000 kroners. No thanks.

Yes, I did cry, mostly cause it was so much news on a Monday and I hadn’t been crying in forever.

I did do the gum treatment, just because that is probably the most important one. My dentist was named Ashley and she was so nice. I got a deep rinse, also got a rinse + tooth paste and Oral B tooth brush that has a BLUETOOTH. So yes, I got my whole mouth numb and it’s not a delicate experience, but it had to be done!

Haven’t taken any pictures lately, so take this.

//Jeg sov ganske lenge på morgen denne dagen, så vi dro ikke til Dutch Bros (kaffesjappe), men vi fikk dratt til Sam’s Club, ligner veldig på Walmart, en kjempebutikk med all mulig ting, de har også BILHJUL der. Vi kjøpte brus og snacks, pluss jeg fant de kanelbollene jeg har siklet på i en evighet. Etter at vi betalte, gikk vi bort til den lille sjappa som de har på IKEA, hvor de selger brus, pizza og pølser i brød. Jeg smakte på pølse i brød, og det var ikke så verst, men de pølsene i Norge er desidert best. Etter at vi kom hjem, la jeg meg i sengen for å høre på lydbok og klarte å sovne, så jeg sov i 5 timer. Spilt spill og sett på alt for mange dårlige filmer på Hulu.

//Her forleden, vel kanskje 1-2 uker siden nå, dro jeg til tannlegen, for den jekselen nede til venstre var så vond, så jeg trodde jeg hadde tannverk, men der tok jeg jaggu meg feil. Jeg hadde en tannkjøtt betennelse, og den jekselen jeg trodde det var hull i, den er løs og må trekkes. Ikke nok med det, jeg trenger 2 implantater, men jeg tror jeg bare trenger 1, for jeg har klart meg fint uten den tannen jeg trakk foran jekselen for 2 år siden. Tannlegen min i Norge sa at det kunne skje at jekselen kunne bli løs fordi jeg trakk den tannen som jekselen lente seg på. De fortalte meg også at jeg trenger 2 kroner på de 2 tennene til venstre for fortennene, toppers. Jeg gråt, mest fordi det var veldig mange dårlige nyheter å få på en mandag og fordi jeg hadde ikke grått på en stund. Jeg dro tilbake for å ta en dyp rens for tannkjøttet og det var absolutt ikke en behagelig opplevelse, men det måtte gjøres. Nå har jeg fått en Oral B tannbørste med rens og tannkrem, og den har BLUETOOTH.


