travel, norway, married life Vickie travel, norway, married life Vickie


2nd of Feb, Sam drove me to the airport where everything went perfectly smooth. It’s a bit sad to leave Sam there, but I knew I was gonna see him soon again anyways. First flight from Chattanooga to Atlanta, a lot of turbulence and I was so sure I was gonna vomit and turned up the air conditioning to full, so cold air hit me. I managed to not vomit, so that’s good. Landed safely in Atlanta and found my gate. An old man with a cane asked if I could watch his stuff while he was going to ask the staff where the bathroom was. So I did. He came back and waited to get rolled in to the airplane by the staff. Little did I know that this man was sitting next to me and he was super nice. Second flight from Atlanta to Amsterdam went great. I slept almost the whole way, except for when we got food. The old man was going to Malta to visit his wife after not seeing her for 4 months. I hope they have the bestest time.

3rd of Feb, in Amsterdam, of course we landed in one end and I needed to go to the other end. A lot of walking and I was sweating like a pig. Almost lost my phone too, I was going to the restroom, and was looking for my phone while I was walking. My phone was sitting on the chair I just had been sitting on. Idiot. Third flight and last, Amsterdam to Oslo, went great. No turbulence. I think I slept a little too. The plane was full and when we had arrived, the captain said we should sit and wait until the seatbelt sign was off. Don’t you think five Norwegians just stood up and found their bag. Took the train from the airport after I got my suitcase, to Sandvika, where I met my mom. It’s definitely not cold as she had told me. I was sweating. I don’t think we did much that day, most relaxing.

4th of Feb, I think Nicky came by with her baby, Pernille. She’s adorable. So we talked for a couple of hours, before she left. For dinner we had a nice visit from Wolfgang and his new girlfriend, Vilde. That’s nice, my first time meeting her. We also had cake, marzipan, that was delicious!

5th of Feb, went to the hairdresser, Benedicte, she is now working at a new place, but it’s so nice to see her again. We had so much to talk about and she did my hair perfectly. As she always do!

6th of Feb, went to the dentist, nothing to fix there, she said I should come back in two-three years and see how it’s. Also told me that dentists in America probably just wants money and that’s why they say I should fix everything. My dentist here is way better. I think I took a small trip to a bookstore and bought two books.

7th of Feb, went to my doctor, but little did I know that he had cancelled, cause he’s sick. I didn’t bring my Norwegian phone with me, so I sat there for about 20min and realized that maybe something was up. Checked the app I had and there was a message from him. Booked a new time for next week. After that I went to Alena’s workplace to meet Michael, her and her new dog. What a cutie! We also went to a coffee shop and drank three cups of coffee each. There’s a moment where I laughed really loud and people looked at me. Oh well. Also bought more books!

8th of Feb, went to Nicky’s new place, a house with three floors. Very cozy! We played with Pernille, ate dinner that Emil made for us and had dessert, moms apple cake if I’m not mistaken.

9th of Feb, early visit from Wolfgang and the kids, Aurora and Amanda. I ate breakfast before we all went out for a walk in the nice weather we had. Sunny! After that we had lasagna for dinner and cake for dessert.

10th of Feb, mom and I went to Wolfgang’s place, to be with Aurora and Amanda. We got a small walk and Wolf made dinner for us.

11th of Feb, went to the doctor and took out my birth control. It took under 2min, he’s quite fast.

12th of Feb, took a walk to the store with mom. We walked for 1 hour or so and got 6000 steps!

13th of Feb, went to Fornebu with mom, Amanda’s birthday. (Also Bernhard’s birthday! He is my cousin’s kid.) Got to see Katja, Jøril and some friends of Amanda. We ate pizza for dinner and the kids got dessert. Amanda got a lot of nice gifts, I think she was satisfied!

14th of Feb, went to Oslo to meet up with Alena again and we went to Kaffebrenneriet for more coffee and talk! Their latte is sooooooooooo good, huge cups!

15th of Feb, Nicky picked me up before we headed to her hairdresser. She was cutting her hair a little bit. After that we went back to her place and picked up Iris (Nicky’s step-daughter), Emil & Pernille. We all drove to Sandvika Storsenter where we just walked around, while Nicky did some shopping. After that, we went home to their place where Emil made us dinner. We had coffee and watched Melody Grand Prix, before I headed home.

16th of Feb, mom and I went to my cousin’s place, where we got to meet his girlfriend, Ingrid and their little baby, Julie. We struggled at first to find where they lived and the parking was impossible to find, but after a phone call or two, we managed to find it. My aunt, Ruth, my other cousin Tom and his girlfriend Elisabeth were there too. So nice to see them all again! We brought an apple cake for dessert. For lunch Ingrid had made small canapes.

17th of Feb, if I’m not mistaken, I think my mom and I went for a walk around Høvikodden. 4,976 steps for 3.60km.

18th of Feb, I didn’t do much, helped my dad to take some pictures of different clothing he wanted to sell.

19th of Feb, the day I went to Gardermoen to see Sam! Brought him back home to my parents, he went to bed pretty early, cause of jetlag.

20th of Feb, Sam and I went to Sandvika Storsenter and did a little shopping.

Sam did a joke: “They are on sale, cause they have no legs!”

21st of Feb, during the day we went to Oslo to meet Alena, Michael and Chloe, we also went back to Kaffebrenneriet with Alena to drink coffee and talk! After 1 hour, Alena had to go back to work, while we went for a small shopping, again. Also had a tiny lunch, since we were going to Kristoffer & Chantal’s place later for dinner. After we came home from Oslo, we changed clothes and dad drove us to their new home. We had dinner and dessert!

This was at the food court at Paleet.

22nd of Feb, Sam’s birthday! We’re going to an exhibition, but it’s so icy outside, so we didn’t go. Tom, my cousin, sent me a text about meeting up in Oslo for football and beer, so we went back to Oslo to meet with him, Erik and my other cousin, Øyvind. Tottenham won! Good for Øyvind, while ManU didn’t win, bad news for Erik & Tom. After we’re done with that, we went home and had birthday dinner with mom and dad.

23rd of Feb, Sam and I went to Nicky’s place around 5pm, for dinner and dessert. We played with Pernille and later on we played UNO. That was fun!

24th of Feb, we slept until super late and we were supposed to visit Katja, but her husband was sick, so we didn’t go. I think we just spent the day inside, doing nothing at all.

25th of Feb, I went to Oslo to remove the stitches from my arm, and when I came back, we went to Wolfgang’s place for dinner. He made us taco! We got to hang out with the kids before they went to gymnastics.

26th of Feb, our departure day. Dad drove us to Gardermoen at 2am and we arrived 2.50am. The check-in didn’t open until 4am, so we had to wait a little. The TSA went fine and quick. We sat at Lett, a café until we headed to our gate. Oslo - Amsterdam went fine, I think we had 2h waiting in Amsterdam, and it’s okay. Amsterdam - Atlanta, LET ME TELL YOU, we got a baby on board, but the parents were absolute legends. I think I can count on one hand how many times the baby cried and it didn’t last for longer than 5min. I spilled my soda down in the pocket where the magazines are, luckily I used the blanket to clean it up, I think it was still wet when we left the airplane. LET MET TELL YOU again, Atlanta airport, I don’t know what has happened since I was there last time. So we went through customs and that went great, I showed off my green card and was so proud. We claimed our luggage, WHY DID WE HAVE TO DO THAT?! We walked for like 2min and brought our bags to a staff member who sent them their way. Like, you could’ve done that yourself. Picked up all the baggage and sent it their way. BUT NO. After that, we went through a suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper long queue, that lasted for at least 1 hour. I had to go in the foreign queue, cause of my passport, luckily Sam could join me, cause we are married. Hundreds of people had to go through TSA with ONE SCANNER. ONE SCANNER!! In the other queue, where the US & Canada passport holders were, they also had ONE SCANNER. I don’t know what that was all about. Anyways, we got out of there and found our gate and had some dinner at a bar. Atlanta - Chattanooga went fine, no turbulence, thankfully. But when we landed it was 25C (74F) outside, so me caring a big parka, was not a great idea. Joe & Heather picked us up and drove us home. I fell asleep first, and we both woke up the next day at 8am.

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