30th of October:
We celebrated our 5 year anniversary at an Italian restaurant, where we had caprese for starters, pasta + pizza for main course and coffee for dessert for me. Such a nice little evening.
1st of November:
Birthday! 38 years?! Can you believe it? I can’t. Gifts: I got money from my aunt, mother-in-law and grandma-in-law. I got a gift card from Barnes & Noble from Caroline, so I got 4 books. From my mom I got a fluffy V-keyring that is not attached to my car key. I got a book that I have started reading, also got a calendar for 2024 of Norway and scratch cards, but I didn’t win anything. From Sam I got a shark-onesie, like this: (I wished for that!)
4th of November:
We went to lunch with mother-in-law and when I was gonna pay, this guy, cashier, started asking questions about where I was from and I got so distracted that I tipped the wrong amount, so i felt so bad later. I BLAME HIM. I NEED PEACE AND QUIET WHEN I TIP!
We also went to the zoo, much better than the zoo in FL. Very big and lots of animals!
5th of November:
We went to a football game, like ACTUAL FOOTBALL, and not this American kind. We were hoping that CFC Chattanooga was gonna win, but they didn’t and got kicked out of the season.
17th of November:
Our 1 year anniversary as married, we’re supposed to go out to our favorite thai place, but our naps were longer than expected. So we ordered takeaway and watched “the crown” on Netflix.
19th of November:
Early thanksgiving, since father-in-law and H were going to her family up north on the real thanksgiving. Turkey and the stuffing was good, the turkey put me to sleep for 12 hours when we got home.
Our thanksgiving weekend
We finally got to go to Food City for grocery shopping, cause they were open until 3pm, everything was closed. I made my famous Norwegian taco, I also got eggs, so now I’m getting proteins in my body! We’ve just been inside the whole weekend, except for Sunday. Sam went to work in the office and I went to the mailboxes to pick up my packages, I got my grinder for my coffee beans, I got more shopping bags for grocery, my advent calendar and my bones coffee!
At the package area:
Me: How many packages do you got?
Random dude in Jeep: Just one.
Me: Okay, you go first, I got two.
Random dude in Jeep: Are you sure?! It’s raining and I said to myself I’M DEF NOT WALKING IN THIS RAIN! Do you live here? Should I drive you home?
Me: No, I’m good. It’s not really raining, just drops. It’s worse where I’m from.
What a weirdo.