tenth update
Been almost a week. Today is friyay!
Time to go out for a small walk to ease my mental health.
Bringing a book of course.
It’s gonna be 23C.
Finally got my phone in order, so now it’s actually working.
Eating breakfast every day + 1 cup of coffee too!
Gonna try and be more active on snapchat.
Had a great birthday!
Bought a new PC, so that will come next week.
Took a walk yesterday, just a small one, around the neighbourhood.
I picked up the mail.
Tried to read by a picnic table, but the insects were on me too much.
Watched some Hulu and Netflix, played Overwatch2, before Sam got home.
We had noodles for dinner, we also went to foodcity to buy snacks.
Had a great movienight with Sam & Caroline <3
Yesterday we went to his dad for football. Tennessee - Atlanta, TN lost big time.
We got served food, Sloppy Joe’s + snacks, even got cupcakes from them for my belated birthday.
I finished my book and we drove home around 8pm, saw 4 deers and a fox.
Today we went to McKay, I wanted vinyls, but didn’t find any, Sam found 4!
I bought 3 books, instead.
Really nice day!
Walked to the mailbox and back, played some games, watched some TV, a very long and lazy day.
Just waiting on my computer. Hopefully a wedding on the 17th!
Last day of sun day, so gotta get out today and finish my book.
I sat outside until the sun decided to go away.
Just been watching Hulu + had pancakes for breakfast.
F I N A L L Y finished that boring book.
Haven’t done much lately, Sam has been sick for 2 days, so we have just been in seperate rooms doing our own thing.
Tomorrow it’s gonna rain, so I will stay inside.
Got super anxious at the store when we went there and it’s horrible.
Slept well. No sun today.
My ears are clogged.
We babyproofed the table, since Sam always shove his knee into it.
Watched Scream Queens with Caroline & Sam <3
Lately I’ve been sick with a cold. Tried to walk rounds around the area.
We have been to the courthouse and got our marriage license.
It’s Thanksgiving in a week, my first one ever.
My mother-in-law is coming to TN on Friday and we are all going out in the evening, to celebrate the wedding.
My apartment got sold for 3 millions NOK today!!
AND I’m getting married!
Amazing day, but I’m also very sick. NOT as sick as the few days that has been, but slightly better.
We went to a tiny little office and said our “I do” and it’s over in like 10mins. Heather and Joe were waiting outside, cause it wasn’t allowed with witnesses. But we got some pictures!
We’ll be eating ramen tonight.