Oh my goodness. What a month.
My in-laws went to Europe, for a vacation. So I was dogsitting and housesitting. Very relaxing. The day they left, Molly was super sad, understandable, but luckily 2 days later, friends of the in-laws came with their dog. So she finally got some company. I watched them both, when Steven and Lisa went to Lisa’s son’s wedding Thursday and Friday. I also watched them when they went to a city in Georgia for a daytrip. I earned 150 bucks out just for 3 days. I wasn’t expected this, I do this for free! Anyways, I have been watching a lot of Housewives on Peacock, what a drama drama drama show.
I have seen a rabbit, a possum, deers and a snake. Black rat snake, that are supposed to live in trees. I don’t know where it came from. All we know is that it came on the terrasse when it was a thunderstorm out. And it crawled back to the shed and that’s is the last place I have seen it. I named it Gertrude. Also NOT dangerous nor poisonous. My in-laws have never seen a snake by their house before, so I guess I call it luck?! Sam has also never seen a snake in this town.
I have also been driving around a lot and recently filled up my car with gas and it’s just 30 bucks. Around 300 kroners. For full tank! Very cheap.
I’m gonna housesit for 1 week and next Friday, they are coming home. Too bad it’s gonna rain and big thunderstorms are coming my way this week. I was looking forward to tan a little, but I guess I’m not that lucky! I did get a little sunburned the 2 days I was here before Steven and Lisa came here.
Hopefully I can tan by the pool when I get home. :)