Where to start?
I’ve finally gotten my resident card and I can now say I live in Tennessee, for real. No more immigration stuff, until I go through with the citizenship and that’s at least 3 more years until.
My mom got cancer, and had to deal with that, but they found it out pretty early. They got to remove it all, so no more cancer for mom!
My dear uncle died of cancer. That’s sad, but at least he got do die in his own home surrounded by his closest.
I thought I had cancer for a small period, so I sent a stool test to the lab. It came back negative, so hurray for hemorrhoids. My thyroid tests are clean and well. Going to OBGYN next Monday to replace an implant in my arm for birth control.
We didn’t do anything on Halloween. For my birthday I think we stayed in and went to eat lunch or dinner the next day. Sam bought me a Steamdeck, that is a handhold console, where you can play games. Next year I turn 40, that will be fun!
For Thanksgiving this year, we are going to Florida, to visit mother-in-law. From Wednesday to Saturday.
Christmas this year, I think we are just gonna stay in our apartment. No plans at all. Sam gotta work anyways.
I’ve started to make coasters out of perler beads. Look it up.