life in tennessee Vickie life in tennessee Vickie



I wrote about 9 letters to friends and family. So I will write a little about what I wrote to them. In case YOU didn’t get any.

We got married in November, 17th on my uncle’s birthday, and it was in a small office in a building. Nothing fancy. I got flowers from Heather & Joe (in-laws) and all we were doing was answering 2 questions each and that was it. The woman who married us also took a picture of us and OMG, it was the worst picture of all time. NOBODY will ever see it.

We sent in immigration paper in December and got a mail about a biometric appoiment in February. So we drove a day before the appointment, to sleep at Sam’s friend, Wyatt’s place. We managed to get at the immigration place 1h before time, but we went in 30min before. Had breakfast before that. We stood in a line with other people who also wanted to apply. I filled out a form and waiting for my turn.

Finally my turn, went into a small office, where a woman asked the SAME QUESTIONS that was on my form. WHY COULDN’T YOU JUST READ MY FORM?! Anywho, that went well and we went to the next queue. For taking pictures and fingerprints. 40 people ahead of us. Only 3 workers there, so it went very slowly. But the whole thing only took an hour, but it felt like FOREVERRRRRRRR.

We went to lunch with Wyatt after the whole appointment and drove home after that.

NOBODY TOLD ME I HAD TO TAKE A TON OF VACCINES!!! Anywho, we had to find a “civil surgeon” and they specialize in these immigrant thingies. So I took vaccines for FLU, tdap (Tdap-vaksine kan forhindre stivkrampe, difteri og kikhoste.), varicella 2 shots (vannkopper), HepA and HepB, took 3 shoots and next year I will get that last one. They took bloodwork for TB and syphilis. Great. That was super expensive. So now we got the all sorted out, now we are just waiting for the interview, whenever that will be.

Anywho, I broke our coffee machine while I was cleaning up my coffee mess. It went RIGHT on the floor, with water all over. So we got a brand new one, RED. I blame it on that I wasn’t really awake. Our washer died too, that was ABOUT TIME, it’s horrible. So now we got a new washer that sings when it’s done and it’s so nice. Bought a new couch with chaise longue on one side, where I like to lay with my blanket. What else, oh yes, we bought a new mattress and a bed frame. Sam didn’t like the mattress, it’s too hard, I love it. So he bought us a tiny mattress, that is a bit more squishy.

Oh right, one day some workers knocked on our door and the next week we got new counters, like almost marble kinda. I have no idea what it is. For the kitchen and the bathrooms. AND new sinks, I love the kitchen sink, you can pull it out and it looks like a snake.

I have read 15 books so far this year, currently listening to 2 audiobooks and reading 1 book. :)

Also it starting to get warmer nowadays, so I try to use my time outside to get some tan! But this week it’s gonna be thunderstorms and rain. Great.

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